Your first chess lesson is on its way to your email inbox

ivona chess la

I’m so excited you decided to request a free chess lesson to help you Claim Your Power by Winning the Game of Chess!

Your lesson is on it’s way to email inbox. 

Pease follow the instructions to make sure your lesson isn’t delayed.

How to Ensure Your Free Lesson Lands in Your Inbox

Your email providers do the best they can to keep spam out, but sometimes they mistakenly catch good email along with it.

So please add me to your trusted list of senders, contacts or your address book — also known as “Whitelisting.”

Step 1: Check your inbox for your first chess lesson from me. If you don’t see an email from in your Inbox with the download link, my email may have mistakenly been sent to your spam, junk or promotions folder.

Please check those folders and if you see an email from me, Ivona Jezierska, open it and mark it as “Not spam,” and add me to your contacts list.

Step 2: If you’re using gmail, please drag my email from your “Promotions” folder to your inbox.

Step 3: Check with your email provider to see how you can ensure you get the email from that you’ve asked for.



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